Infectious DiseasesUsing metagenomic sequencing to evaluate the composition of microbiome in patients with Covid-19Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (mNGS) combines the offer of detection of early stages of emerging pathogens directly from...
Agriculture & ConservationExploring the HoloRuminant MicrobiomeHoloRuminant is a global initiative aiming to elucidate the role of ruminant-associated microbiomes and their interplay with the host...
OncologyNext-generation sequencing role in pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomicsNext-generation sequencing (NGS) represents an efficient and reliable method to evaluate the contribution of both common and rare...
Genetic ServicesInsights into paleogenetics from NGSWhile ‘modern’ humans are the only hominin species existing on the planet today, in the past our species has overlapped both temporally...
Genetic ServicesNGS in clinical histocompatibility testingThe human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region is one of the most researched parts of the human genome due to the fact multiple vital genes for...