Using metagenomic sequencing to evaluate the composition of microbiome in patients with Covid-19
Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (mNGS) combines the offer of detection of early stages of emerging pathogens directly from...
Using metagenomic sequencing to evaluate the composition of microbiome in patients with Covid-19
Exploring the HoloRuminant Microbiome
Working with the University of Gdansk in a landmark HTAD Treatment Trial
Insights into paleogenetics from NGS
NGS in clinical histocompatibility testing
Whole Exome Sequencing of Endangered Harlequin Frogs
Visit from Princess Royal to the Pentlands Science Park
Genetic research and diagnosis of Endometriosis
Genome-first approach to mendelian cardiovascular disease
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and adverse drug reaction mitigation using NGS
The utility of low-depth Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)
Proteogenomics, the role of NGS